Thursday, September 13, 2012

What's next?

As you know, we've been dealing with Mom's latest relapse. We met with the oncologist today to find out what options exist. Mom is very clear that she doesn't want to spend a bunch of time being sick and in the hospital if it's not going to be good for her quality of life. Knowing that, Dr. Cripe has offered a 7 day infusion (outpatient) that may keep the leukemia at bay for awhile. He said if she tolerates that ok then she'll possibly do another week in 4-6 weeks.
If at any point she doesn't tolerate it well, then they will stop. Either way, she will continue to need blood and platelets. This will help her have energy and feel better. If the leukemia continues to progress and the infusion doesn't seem to be helping then treatment will be done to make sure the symptoms are controlled, but it won't be cured.
She is staying strong and is confident in trying Dr. Cripe's plan. Please just continue to pray for strength, wisdom, and courage.
Much love to all of you!!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa thanks so much for keeping us all updated on your mom and dad. Please let your mom know INDOT sure misses her and the prayers will continue for all your family. Also please tell Mary to keep fighting and we all love her very much!
