Friday, March 16, 2012

No news is good news...

We've all heard that expression--and apparently it's been true for awhile.
So now, here's the news...About a month ago, Dad went in for checkup scans. There were new spots in his liver. They did the mapping procedure so they could see how they wanted to treat the tumor. They have decided since they can't see it real clear and they would have to treat the whole right lobe that it would be to dangerous. They talked about starting him on a cancer drug to control the tumor until he can get on the transplant list, but decided last Friday not to use the drug because he would have to wait for a withdrawal period to get the transplant. He is on a new medically supervised diet and it seems to be working pretty fast so they hope to have him on the list soon.
SO, in the meantime, Mom has continued to go in regularly for blood work,etc. She had an appointment yesterday and her blood work revealed that there are blasts (immature white cells) in her blood--this is an indication that her cancer has relapsed. The doctor will meet with us on March 26th to discuss all the results and options. We are all shocked of course, but will wait (probably not very patiently!) to hear what the doctor says. I'm glad that we will all be able to go with her so that we can hear everything--and so I don't try to guess what the doctor will say. Trying not to put the cart before the horse. :) Mom and Dad are both working right now and will keep doing so as long as they can.
We ask for your continued prayers and support--it worked before, no reason it can't work again!
Until then, we will keep praying for a C. U. R. E. (Complete, Unending Remission for Everyone)
