Sunday, May 6, 2012

Terrible Tuesday...

Mom continues her hospital stay with chemo that ran last weekend and this weekend.  Her counts have dropped (which is what the doctors predicted and we hoped for) she'll continue to be in the hospital until her counts recover which will probably be a few more weeks.  And just when all of our focus was on Mom and her treatment, we got a bombshell from Dad's doctor.
At his last appointment (April 25th), his doctor wanted to get a stat MRI because dad's last scan showed that his cancer might have spread.  After the MRI, dad's doctor said that the scan may have not been right, so he was sending the MRI and other scans to another team of doctors.  On Tuesday evening, May 1st, Dad was sitting in Mom's hospital room when his doctor called to say that the cancer had indeed spread into the portal vein. What his doctor said is that he will never be a candidate for a liver transplant...and because of his high bilirubin, he can't have the radiation.  His doctor has said he didn't have any other treatment options and gave us the grim news that Dad has 6-12 months.  While that news is utterly devastating, we aren't giving up hope and we will continue to pray that God's timing continues long past these 12 months. Please pray.  Have your friends and your church pray.  We hope that God will be glorified in all of this struggle!
It is indescribable how the staff that are caring for Mom right now have responded.  When they heard the news, they were crying along with us, offering support, and being wonderful.  They took especially good care of Mom that night so that Dad could go home and get some sleep.  The other amazing part is that Mom's doctor made some calls and got Dad an appointment with another oncologist for a second opinion.  We'll see how that goes, but even with the second opinion, there is not a guarantee that there will be treatment options. 
For those friends and family we've told, thank you for your support and your prayers.  That's all we know that we need right now! 


  1. We are praying and expecting a victory.

  2. Melissa - I have been following along in your journey and keeping you all in prayer. It is hard watching your parents going through so much, I know. My Mom has been in and out of the hospital more times than I can count since last September - nothing as serious as what you all are dealing with. But being 900 miles away in South Dakota has made it especially hard for me. Will continue to pray for God's guidance and strength to come your way! Gail griner

  3. Melissa, what shattering news to get. I kind of know what your mom is going thru since we also got news like that on your Uncle Don, 2-3 months to live. You don't want to believe it. I was in denial. I prayed ever day and night for a miracle. Your dad is so young, just like Uncle Don. I'll keep up my prayers for your parents and all of you kids. I hope he gets some different (better) news with the second doctor. Thank you Melissa for keeping us informed. It must be very difficult for you to deal with this and then have to write about it. I pray your mom gets to go home soon so that she and your dad can do some things they have always wanted to do. That is so important and it will take their mind off things. I'm in a Bible Study on Mondays so I'll make sure they put them on the prayer list. also I'll let Chris know as she has a prayer group at her church. Please give my love to your mom and dad, also to your sister and brother and yourself. Love Barbara Joy

    1. "Thank you Melissa for keeping us informed. It must be very difficult for you to deal with this and then have to write about it." --> Well said, Aunt Barbara! Mel is wonderful. =)

  4. Let me say...I LOVE the Williams Family! You know, doctors can only make educated guesses...and I know they do it with the right intentions because sometimes folks just "need" answers. But, only God knows what is in store for your father...and mother. Never give up hope! Your mom and dad are two of the most unique characters I have ever met and I truly believe they have more to do on this earth.

    Thanks to your dad's doc for all of his hard work and testing....but we need to just chuck that estimate right out the window. =) Prayers are heading your way! Hugs to the whole family!

    Specifically for you Mel --> "Thank you Melissa for keeping us informed. It must be very difficult to for you to deal with this and then have to write about it." Well said, Aunt Barbara! Remember...You too are quite a unique character....a very strong leader, amazing daughter, fabulous sister, aunt, and wife...and an unforgettable friend. But, it's ok if you need to suspend that strength for your own healing. I'm here if you need me! Just say the word! I love ya!

    1. It is true that only the Father knows His plans for us. Never give up HOPE! Now even more prayers to Mary and her loving, devoted husband.

      Ellen Hite

  5. My friend,
    I have no words. No words..... I adore you. You call me if you need anything. ANYTHING! Hold strong.

    We are like rain splasshing on a roof
    let us find our way down

    We are like an arched bow with the arrow in place
    Let us become straight and find the mark.

    We have stayed at home scared like mice
    let us find our courage and join the lions.

    Let our souls turn into a mirror
    longing to reflect the essence of beauty.

    Let us begin the journey home.

    love Mary
