Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mary's Update 6/28/11

It has been a week since the last update.  In that last one I mentioned about the rash and swelling with her white count going down to 0.4, but some people thought it might go lower. They were right. The white count dropped to 0.2 on 6/23 and 6/24, but it has now started a steady rise. It went back to 0.4 then 0.5, 0.7 and today was at 0.8. The good news about this is that the white blood cell count carries different types of cells, the cells that are the most abundant in humans that fight infections mostly are called Neutrophils. The "ANC" or "Absolute Neutrophil Count" is what the doctors are waiting to rise before she can be released. They are seeing some activity in the "ANC" from the blood samples,but no acctual number yet. They think we could go home for awhile maybe next week if the numbers keep coming up.
Neutrophils are key components in the system of defense against infection. An absence or scarcity of neutrophils (a condition called neutropenia) makes a person vulnerable to infection. After chemotherapy, radiation, or a blood or marrow transplant, the ANC is usually depressed and then slowly rises, reflecting the fact that the bone marrow is recovering and new blood cells are beginning to grow and mature.
Some good news is that her rash is slowly improving, but she still has some bad swelling in her lower legs and feet. We also made it through our 36th wedding anniversary today and the staff and nurses here did a lot of nice things for us today to help us celebarte as much as we could.

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