Thursday, November 3, 2011

Update 11-3-11

It's been a few days since our last update, which is a good thing!  Mom is continuing to do well on 3 East.  She is getting dialysis Monday-Wednesday-Friday at this point...but the doctors will continue to evaluate how often she will need it. 
In the beginning of the week, Mom was still having a very difficult time staying awake and really being oriented with what is going on.  By the middle of the week, she was definitely a lot more "with it" and is starting to grasp just exactly what is going on.  The most difficult part is that she is VERY weak and has to rely on people (mostly my dad) to help her with everything.  She's getting physical therapy every day which will help her return to her old self.  Even over the last few days you can see her strength getting better and better. 
The other thing that the doctors are considering is sending Mom to a rehab hospital.  This would be necessary because Mom doesn't have the strength to really do the things she needs to do to be independent right now, but there is no doubt that she can regain all of that.  We will know more about where she will go once we have a few more things sorted out with doctors and insurances and all of that wonderful stuff. 
Overwhelmingly, the one thing that mom keeps saying is that she can't believe how sick she was and how many people have prayed for her.  THANK YOU!!  We hope to continue to report wonderful news to everyone who has taken such a thoughtful and vested interest in this journey. 


  1. Great news. Glad you continue to improve. And, we are still praying for you and entire family. Barbara M

  2. Glad to hear and pray each day gets better and better for Mary. Love Brenda Oliphant

  3. Wonderful news! She will pull through, I know it. I will continue to pray for her until she is well. Jennifer
