Sunday, October 30, 2011

Update 10/30/11

This weekend has been so drastically different from last weekend, and what a wonderful difference it has been. Mom needed to have dialysis on Saturday morning, but the doctors think that she may not need it again until Tuesday. Those numbers are starting to improve. Mom is also a lot more "with it" and less groggy. There were several family members that visited this weekend, but I'd guess her favorite visitors were Dominic and Andrew today (although she didn't say so!).

Mom is allowed to eat a "full liquid" diet--so juices, soup, jello, ice cream, etc. She also takes most of her medicines orally now so she doesn't have to be hooked up all the time. She's tolerating it pretty well even though we have to help her quite a bit. Her body is still pretty weak, so it takes a LOT of effort to do things. Like Mom said though, she is going to keep pushing through. She keeps saying "I was pretty sick", but it's more like a question or a reminder because, thankfully, she doesn't remember all of the 'stuff' she's been through. Physical Therapy came in today and helped her sit in a chair. She really liked that she didn't have to be in the bed! She didn't want to get back in bed, but she has to keep moving positions so that she doesn't get stiff or have sores from sitting in one position too long. Mom also said she wants to keep pushing so that she will feel well enough and be strong enough to have visitors.
The staff have all been great--no surprise--and are really encouraging all of us by continuing to notice all the areas that Mom has improved.
Mom's a little bummed that she's going to miss Halloween, but in true Mary form, she said she'd probably dress up like a patient:) She said make sure you take a bunch of pictures, so of course we will! We aren't too sure what the remainder of her admission is going to look like, how long it will be, or what the next step is, but we are just continually grateful to have all of that to think about! For those of you asking for her address, here you go: 3 East, Room A8, IUSCC (535 Barnhill Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46202).
Thanks to everyone for your support!!!


  1. What wonderful news. God & Mary are working wonders. Love to all the family and continued prayers for complete healing!

  2. Congrats to the whole Williams (and used to be Williams) Family. She is quite the fighter and an inspiration. I'll keep praying for continued recovery and strength for you all! Love you guys! ~Jess

  3. Fantastic News. Thanks Melissa for keeping us posted on Facebook. Mary, you are strong and courageous. With God by your side, you will continue to get stronger and stronger and better and better. God Bless You Mary. Love to you, Barbara Joy

  4. Simply awesome. Keep the good news coming! You're a superstar Mary! Love the costume....I only hope no one steals your idea...oh wait. LOL! Have a fabulous Halloween. =)
