Monday, January 7, 2013

Update 1-7-13

For those of you that haven't been caught up yet, just a quick update: Mom got admitted to IU hospital on 1-5-13 for the flu and double lung pneumonia. In true Mary fashion, it has not been as simple as that. Her breathing was really labored and her heart rate was high so we transferred to progressive care that night and started on the bipap machine--that sort of forces air into the lungs and has a very uncomfortable face mask. She didn't stay there long before moving to the ICU and when they saw the discomfort of the machine and that she still needed much support, they decided to intubate her. She has the breathing tube now and is being watched closely, but is very alert for someone with a tube. She sleeps a lot, but will interact with staff when they come into the room (and of course let us know when she needs something)! Today they switched the settings on the vent to "cpap", settings, which basically means she's doing the breathing work on her own with just a little back up help. They're also stopping the blood pressure medication to see if she can hold those stable. If the breathing and blood pressures stabilize, that will lead to getting the tube out! They placed a feeding tube today to make sure she's getting the nutritional support she needs, but we all know she really just wants a diet coke:)
We will try our best to keep this blog updated because I know everyone does not have Facebook, but I do make frequent updates to the Facebook page "Prayers for Mary". Thank you to everyone for your support and prayers!!

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